Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : OneData Hooks : How are hooks used in OneData? : Hook Types : iHooks Sample Code : Java RMI
Java RMI
iHook Required Section
This is required at the beginning of any Java iHook execute() method.
HookOutput hookOutput = new
Hello World in iHooks
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.OnedataHook;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.HookOutput;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.HookInput;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
public class HelloWorldHook extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements OnedataHook{
public HelloWorldHook() throws RemoteException {
  super(); }
public void init() throws RemoteException { }
public void commit() throws RemoteException { }
public void rollback() throws RemoteException { }
public void close() throws RemoteException { }
public HookOutput execute(HookInput hookInput) throws RemoteException {
 HookOutput hookOutput = new HookOutput();
 hookOutput.setMessage("Hello World!");
 return hookOutput; }
public void setSavepoint(String string) { }
public void releaseSavepoint(String string) { }
public void rollback(String string) { }}
Creating a Showable Rowset from an Existing Object
if (hookInput.getInvocationNumber() == 0) { ActionRowset objActionRow =
 if (objActionRow != null) {
  List list_Rows = objActionRow.getRows();
  ShowableRowset objShowable = new ShowableRowset();
 Question question = new Question();
 test_Question.setText ("Select a row to associate and click on
'Associate' or click on 'Create New' to create a new row'");
 Answer answer1 = new Answer();
 Answer answer2 = new Answer();
 answer2.setText("Create New");
 List answers = new ArrayList();
 answers.add(answer2 );
Creating a Showable Rowset for a Custom Object
 List rowList = new ArrayList();
 Row objRow1 = new Row();
 List list_col1 = new ArrayList();
 Column objCOL1 = new Column();
 Column objCOL2 = new Column();
 objRow1 = new Row();
 list_col1 = new ArrayList();
 objCOL1 = new Column();
 objCOL2 = new Column(); 
 ShowableRowset objShowable = new ShowableRowset();
Conceptual Object DML
The following code inserts a record to Brand object in Product->Brand->Vendor hierarchy. The insertion is done with conceptual object context.
if(hookInput.getInvocationNumber() == 0){  
 Question question = new Question();
 question.setText("Enter Data");
 Answer answer1 = new Answer();
 List answerList = new ArrayList();
 Forms forms = new Forms();
 Form form1 = new Form();
 form1.setObjectName("Brand ");
 Forms forms = hookInput.getForms();
 List list_forms = forms.getForms();
 Iterator iter = list_forms.iterator();
 Actions objActions = new Actions();
 int order = 0;
 Form form1 = (Form);
 ActionRowset objActionRowset = new ActionRowset();
 hookOutput.setMessage("Data inserted successfully.");
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.ActionRowset;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.Actions;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.Answer;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.Form;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.Forms;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.HookInput;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.HookOutput;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.OnedataHook;
import com.datafoundations.onedata.hook.Question;
public class SampleFormHook extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements OnedataHook {
public SampleFormHook() throws RemoteException { super(); }
public void init() throws RemoteException { }
public void commit() throws RemoteException { }
public void rollback() throws RemoteException { }
public void close() throws RemoteException { }
public HookOutput execute(HookInput hookInput)
throws RemoteException {
 HookOutput hookOutput = new HookOutput();
if(hookInput.getInvocationNumber() == 0){
 Question question = new Question();
 question.setText("Enter Data");
 Answer answer1 = new Answer();
 List answerList = new ArrayList();
 Forms forms = new Forms();
 Form form1 = new Form();
 Form1.setObjectName("Data Object");
 Forms forms = hookInput.getForms();
 List formList = forms.getForms();
 Actions actions = new Actions();
 for (Iterator it = formList.iterator();
  it.hasNext();) {
  Form form = (Form);
  ActionRowset insertRowSet = new ActionRowset();
 hookOutput.setMessage("Data inserted successfully.");
 return hookOutput;
public void setSavepoint(String string) { }
public void releaseSavepoint(String string) { }
public void rollback(String string) {
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