Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Using External Workflow in OneData : Mapping an iHook to a Workflow Rule for External Workflow Invocation
Mapping an iHook to a Workflow Rule for External Workflow Invocation
To use workflow in an external application, you must create an iHook. The iHook maps to the workflow in which external approvers are tagged and invokes the external workflow engine. The workflow hook mapping triggers the iHook when a workflow item reaches a level having the external approver. The iHook then invokes the external workflow engine. For more information on creating an iHook in OneData, see Developing for webMethods OneData.
You must map an iHook to each level of the workflow that requires an approver who is external to OneData. That is, if a workflow rule has three levels in which Level 1 and Level 3 have external approvers, you need to have two workflow hook mappings: one hook mapped to Level 1 and another one mapped to Level 3.
To configure a hook for invoking external workflow
1. Ensure that the external approvers have been designated in the workflow rule. See Tagging External Approvers in a Workflow Rule for information about designating external approvers.
2. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Configuration > Workflow > Workflow Hook Mapping .
OneData displays the existing workflow hooks.
3. Click Add New and complete the following fields:
Field Name
Mapping Name
The name of the mapping hook.
Mapping Description
(Optional) Description of the mapping.
WF Rule
Select the relevant workflow rule.
WF Level
Select the workflow level that corresponds to the step for which the external approver is triggered.
You cannot map levels 0 (Creator Initiated) or n (Creator Feedback) in external workflow.
Select Queue to trigger the iHook, which is triggered when the workflow item reaches the mapped level.
Conceptual Object / Data Object
Select the object that requires the external approval. This field displays the conceptual objects and data objects associated with the selected workflow rule.
Select the relevant iHook. This iHook invokes the external workflow engine.
(Optional) Select the check box to disable the triggering of mapped hook.
4. Click Save.
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