Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Extending Definitions in OneData : System Extensions in OneData
System Extensions in OneData
Extending Object Definition
Extending User Account or Subscribing Systems Information
System extensions in OneData enables you to extend the definition of objects. You can add additional columns in the object using the appropriate system extension.
In OneData, you can extend the information about:
*Object definition. You can create a Metadata Template having the desired columns to collect more information about an object (Define > Objects > Add Object). You must then select this template in an object definition to display the columns in the template in addition to the other information in the object definition.
*User account. You can add more columns to the existing Security Object to collect more information about a user account (Administer> Security > Users). For example, if you want the users’ department name as part of the user account information, you can add an additional column in the Security Object. After adding this column, the users see an additional field for the department name in their user account information.
The below columns in the Security Object are predefined and therefore you cannot edit or delete these columns.
Column Name
*Subscribing systems
You can add more columns to the existing Subscriber Object to collect more information about a subscribing system (Data Interchange > Configuration > Subscriptions > Subscribing Systems).
The following columns in the Subscriber Object are predefined and therefore cannot be edited or deleted.
Column Name
Sys ID
ID of the subscribing system. OneData generates the ID.
Sys Name
Name of the subscribing system.
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