Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide : Data Quality Data Objects : The Matching Process
The Matching Process
The matching process works as follows:
1. The matching process retrieves records from the Consolidation table that have the status, Cleansed.
2. It determines if there is a matching record:
a. If a matching record does not exist, the process creates a record in the Gold table.
b. If a matching record exists, the matching process applies the survivorship rules and updates the existing Gold record with the relevant attributes from the record being consolidated.
3. After the matching process completes, the process updates the record in the Consolidation table with the status corresponding to the action performed, either Create Auto, Create Manual, Linked Auto, or Linked Manual.
Additional qualifiers must be defined at the object level for the Consolidation object before they can be defined for the Consolidation Gold object.
The consolidation process is not invoked if Consolidation object is a sub-type created in Nova mode or if the Consolidation object is marked as both a Consolidation object and Consolidation Gold object.
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