Setting the Number of Records Processed in Batch Cleansing and Matching
Use the following procedure to limit the number of records processed for batch cleansing and matching.
To set the number of records processed in batch cleansing and matching:
1. Navigate to the directory, Software AG_directory\profiles\ODE\bin\onedata\config.
2. Open the file.
3. Set the following properties:
a. In onedata.dataquality.batchsize, set the number of records to process in a batch.
b. In onedata.dataquality.matchwindowsize and onedata.dataquality.useMatchWindowSize, set the number of records passed to the data quality server for matching and whether OneData must check onedata.dataquality.matchwindowsize before passing the records to the data quality server.
For information on these properties, see the Administering webMethods OneData.