Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide : Data Interchange Mappings : Pattern Mapping on the Consolidation (Staging) Object
Pattern Mapping on the Consolidation (Staging) Object
Configuring Pattern Mapping
The data quality process creates or updates Gold records based on the results of the matching process. During the data quality process, the pattern mapping associates the data quality matching project with the interchange mapping to be used for transferring data from the Consolidation (Staging) object to the Gold object.
Pattern mapping consists of the following:
*Create Pattern. Used internally by OneData to create a Gold record when no match exists. The onedata.dataquality.creategoldpattern property, available in the file, defines pattern value used for creating a Gold record. This value is usually determined internally to indicate a new gold record creation. The default value is 101.
*Match Pattern. Returned from the data quality server on finding a match for the provided input values. The onedata.dataquality.matchgoldpattern defines the pattern to be returned from the data quality server for a match. OneData compares against this property value with the pattern from the data quality server to determine whether the incoming data has a valid match in the Gold object. Any pattern from the data quality server whose value is less than or equal to this property value is considered as a valid match. Default value is 100.
For information about setting these properties, see the Administering webMethods OneData.
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