Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Customizing OneData : OneData System Properties : Configuring OneData System Properties
Configuring OneData System Properties
OneData customizations are defined in the file. System properties are defined through the user interface. Use this procedure to define the system properties. For information about defining parameters and customizations in the file, see Defining Properties in the OneData Configurations File.
To configure system properties
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > System > System Properties.
2. Define the Attachment properties to specify how OneData handles attachments.
Description and Usage of Property
Denied extensions list for file attachments (comma-delimited)
Specifies the file types (extensions) that are prohibited as attachments.
Maximum number of file attachments
Specifies the maximum number of attachments in a discussion item in a change request.
Maximum size of file attachment (bytes)
Specifies the maximum file size (in bytes) of an attachment. Attachments in OneData are included in the collaboration modules (Change Request and Discussion forums).
3. Define the Authentication properties to specify how OneData handles security.
Description and Usage of Property
External Authentication Enabled
Indicates if OneData uses external authentication (LDAP/Active Directory) and prevents the Forgot your password link from appearing in the login page.
Login retry count
The number of times a user can attempt to log on with a wrong password before OneData locks the account. Only applicable if external authentication is not enabled.
Minimum password length
The required minimum number of characters in user passwords. Only applicable if external authentication not enabled.
Number of digits required in Password
The required minimum number of characters in a user passwords. Only applicable if external authentication not enabled.
Number of previously used passwords retained.
The number of previous passwords to retain in the password history. Only applicable if external authentication not enabled.
Password case-sensitivity
Indicates whether the password should be case-sensitive, mixed-case, or case insensitive. Only applicable if external authentication not enabled.
Password expiry interval (days)
The number of days after which the user password must be changed. Only applicable if external authentication is not enabled.
Password validation regular expression
The password validation regular expressions. Only applicable if external authentication is not enabled.
Test data for regular expression
Set defaults for test data for regular expressions.
Password validation regular expression message
The message displayed to the user on password validation of regular expressions. Only applicable if external authentication not enabled.
Service layer security
Enable or disable web services security. If enabled, any user accessing the web service must provide a password for the service layer security specified in Personalize > User Profile.
4. Define the DDL Generation (Data Definition Language generation) properties to specify how OneData handles DDL.
Description and Usage of Property
Disable Audit DDL
Indicates if OneData generates DDL to add audit columns and associated triggers. If this flag is disabled, you must include appropriate audit columns and triggers in your modeling tool.
Disable General DDL
Indicates whether OneData disables DDL generation when changes are made to object structures.
If you are using external CASE tools, you must disable DDL generation so that there is one point of control of the underlying model.
Disable Sequence DDL
Indicates whether OneData disables DDL generation only for sequences and triggers (generated when a column is of type database sequence).
5. Define the General OneData properties.
Description and Usage of Property
Disable Cache
Disables application cache in a clustered environment.
Trusted Keystore (for SSL)
The filename of the keystore for SSL file.
Trusted Keystore password (for SSL)
The password for the keystore file.
Disable Link to Change Request
Indicates whether to disable the link to Change Request screens from Data Manager screens in OneData. This must be selected if not using the change request function.
Enable User Personalization
Indicates whether to allow users to personalize how objects display to them, including changing the column order and sort order. Personalizations apply only to the user who saved the object personalization.
Delete Record Option
Indicates the delete functions available in OneData.
*Delete. Users can logically delete, restore, and purge records.
*Delete and Purge. Users can delete records but OneData does not purge them automatically. Restore is not available.
This is supported only for objects in Default mode.
Error Message Display
Indicates the level of detail shown on the Error screen.
*Include Detail With SQL Statement. Displays the SQL statement with error details.
*Include Detail Without SQL Statement. Displays error details without the SQL statement.
*Do Not Include Detail. Does not display error details.
Workflow email notification format
Indicates the format of data in workflow notifications.
*Complete hierarchy. Includes the entire hierarchy structure in the workflow email.
*Suppressed hierarchy summary. Includes only a description of the changes in the workflow email.
*Current row summary only. Includes only a description of the change for the modified row and a description of the conceptual object root in the workflow email.
Workflow notifications are sent to the email address of the user who executed the workflow action. Workflow escalations triggered from the Job Center are sent to the user who executed the job.
Show in Report – Default Option
Indicates the default option for the Show in Report attribute at the column definition level.
Enable action command captions
Indicates whether to display the Edit, Delete, and Select commands in the Data Manager grid.
Maximum number of rows for grid
The number of records to display.
Maximum display row count (Nova-Echo mode)
The number of records to display in Nova Echo mode.
Concept of Projects
Indicates whether OneData uses project categories.
Work Area-to-Release Area mode
Indicates the object display mode in the Release area.
Session Timeout (minutes)
Indicates the amount of idle time before the current user session expires.
Disable Nova Validation
Indicates whether to enable validation in Nova mode. If disabled, OneDatauses Default validation.
Enable Security for Connection
Enables connections to be selected. Set on the Connections tab in Security > Roles. The Connections tab is viewable only if this property is enabled.
Disable Broadcast Messaging
Indicates whether to enable broadcast messages. If disabled, OneData hides the Message icon on the Menu toolbar and the Send Message option in Session Console.
Multiple description column Delimiter
Specifies the delimiter if there are multiple description columns when there is a foreign key relationship .
Enable Outbound Messaging
Indicates whether to enable outbound messaging.
Inbound Messaging Mode
Indicates whether to enable connections from inbound messaging to the data acquisition layer.
*Nova mode. enables connections.
No logs are available in the Message Logs when Nova mode is selected. Instead, use the service audit logs from Administer > Logs > Service Layer Logs.
*Default mode. disables connections.
For more information about inbound messaging, see Asynchronous Messaging.
Set dynamic filter size in Data Manager
Indicates whether the Filter screen can be dynamically resized or must be a fixed width.
Enable Nova Workflow
Indicates whether to enable workflow execution in Nova mode. If disabled, OneData uses Default mode.
Inherit Primary Key Value on Copy Record
Indicates whether primary key values must be inherited when copying a record:
*If disabled, this system setting overrides the column-level Inheritance Qualifier setting, and the primary key values are not inherited.
*If enabled and the column-level Inheritance Qualifier setting is Inherit/Overwrite, the primary key value is inherited.
MashZone URL
6. Define the Home Page Portal presentation options.
Description/Property Usage
Anonymous User
Specifies the username that is assigned as the Anonymous user. The anonymous user can access the Home page and browse in OneData. For more information about anonymous users, see Setting Up the Anonymous User Account.
Home Page: Column width, comma delimited
Indicates the width as a percentage of each column on the Home page. (This corresponds to the Home Page # of columns property.) If no value is specified or the value has an error, OneData makes each column the same width. For example, three columns could be 50,30,20.
Home Page Layout
For future use. Drop-down currently accepts only Column.
Home Page # of columns
The number of columns to display on the Home page.
7. Define the Jobs options to control how OneData handles batch jobs.
Description/Property Usage
Enable Multiple Schedule
Indicates if a batch job can be assigned multiple schedules.
Ignore Outdated Jobs
Indicates whether scheduler runs jobs dated in the past. Applicable only if scheduler is restarted.
Rollback Work Area-To-Release Area transfer on failure
Indicates whether the work area-to-release area transfer job rolls back the entire transfer if an error occurs.
Work Area-to-Release Area transfer retry count
The number of times the work area-to-release area transfer job attempts to move a changed entry (per record).
User for Authorization Privileges
Specifies whether the authorization privilege for deployment jobs is assigned to the executor or creator.
Match Re-run Count
The number of times a matching job must be re-run to make minimum number of records unassigned. Default value is 1.
Gold Suspect Creation
If enabled, a gold record is created for each of the records with unassigned cleansing status.
8. Define the Notification options to control how OneData handles email notifications.
Description/Property Usage
Bcc address for outgoing email messages
The email address for blind copying outbound emails generated from OneData. See Sender address for outgoing email messages for more information about notifications.
Sender address for outgoing email messages
The email address to which OneData sends the following types of job notifications triggered from the Job Center:
*Cache Refresh
*Data Notification
*Deployment jobs
*My Report
*Work Area to Release Area
This email address is also used for notifications for new change requests and the creation of a new user.
Recipients may reply to this address. External email addresses are not supported.
Job Center notifications for Exception Queue and Workflow Escalation jobs are sent to the email address defined in the onedata.notification.failure�mailid property in the file. Data quality notifications are sent to the administrator.
Feedback email recipient
The email address where feedback is sent when the user clicks the Feedback button.
Enable Consolidated Notification
Indicates whether to consolidate emails for workflow, change requests, and notification emails rather than sending notifications individually as they are generated. Consolidated emails are sent when the Data Notification job is executed.
9. Define the Scripting options to control how OneData validates data.
Description/Property Usage
Data Validation Script
The data validation script (in Python) to enforce characters excluded from data entered at the repository level. This allows input scripting, which can prevent cross-site scripting, SQL injection, or other input field security threats.
This can also be defined within the data object. Object level scripts override system level scripts.
Validation Script Error Message
Error message to display if validation checks are not followed.
For more information about cross-site scripting, see Protecting Against Cross-Site Scripting.
10. Click Save.
11. Restart OneData to implement the changes.
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