Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Customizing OneData : The Java Service Wrapper : Fault Monitoring : Console Filtering Properties
Console Filtering Properties
The wrapper.filter properties in the wrapper configuration files determine whether the wrapper monitors the console for specified messages and what action it takes when a specified message occurs. To use console filtering with OneData, you can configure the following properties. However, Software AG recommends that you do not modify these properties unless asked to do so. See the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide for procedures and additional information.
wrapper.filter.trigger. n
String of text that you want to detect in the console output.
wrapper.filter.action. n
Action that occurs when the Java Service Wrapper detects the string of text.
wrapper.filter.allow_wildcards. n
Flag (TRUE or FALSE) that specifies whether the Java Service Wrapper processes wildcard characters that appear in wrapper.filter.trigger. n.
wrapper.filter.message. n
Message that displays when Java Service Wrapper detects the string of text.
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