Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating a Versioned Hierarchy
Creating a Versioned Hierarchy
You can create a versioned hierarchy objects in OneData using a wizard. You can also manually create the structure. To use workflow with versioned hierarchies, the workflow rule approvers must be created in that same project as the versioned hierarchy.
Only first-level approvers can enter the initial set of records.
For more information about versioned hierarchies, see Hierarchies in OneData .
To create a versioned hierarchy
1. If you want to create the versioned hierarchy using the wizard:
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects and navigate to the folder in which you want to create the object.
b. Click Add Hierarchy and complete these fields
Versioned Hierarchy can be created only for ragged hierarchies (Self-Recursive or Network-Recursive)
Create Hierarchy
*Type of hierarchy. Select Self-Recursive or Network-Recursive.
*Maximum number of levels in the hierarchy. Enter a maximum number of levels allowed in the hierarchy.
*Enable versioning? Select the check box.
*Enable effective date range? Whether to enable a date range that hierarchy is effective.
Conceptual Object Rule Assignment
*Workflow Rule. Workflow rule must be selected to associate with the hierarchy object.
Specify level name
*Object Name. Enter a name for the object being created.
c. Click Run.
The primary keys which are of data type Database Sequence are created with the condition to use specified value. That is, the associated trigger for the sequence will use the value of the database sequence only if a null value or value less than equal to 0 is provided.
2. If you want to create the versioned hierarchy manually:
You must create a basic network recursive structure with the base object, relationship object and the conceptual object before you proceed.
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects and select the network recursive object.
b. Select Hierarchy Object for Object SubType.
c. Click the Structure tab.
d. Click Add Column. The data type for this column should be numeric with a precision of 1.
e. Select the Column Qualifier as Version Indicator and click Save.
f. Click Edit Constraints and edit the primary key to include the new Version column.
g. In the relationship object, add two new version columns to map to the parent base object. The Version columns in it have to be qualified as the Version Indicator columns.
h. Change the foreign key mappings to include the Version columns.
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