Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating A Multi-Select Structure
Creating A Multi-Select Structure
Creating Linkages Attribute and Linkages Column
If you want to create a many-to-many relationship between objects, OneData provides you an easy to use interface through multi-select constructs.
For more information about the structure of a multi-select construct, see Multi-Select Structure and Linkages.
Use the example scenario given here to follow the steps in this task.
Example scenario: Create new objects: 'ms_sd_country_state', which holds the many-to-many relationship between the 'ms_sd_state' and 'ms_sd_country' entities. Create a Logical column in the 'ms_sd_country' object that will display a multi-select box showing the list of Countries and States
To create a multi-select structure
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > objects.
2. Click Add Data Object and complete the fields to create ms_sd_country_state.
3. Similarly, create the three objects ms_sd_state, and ms_sd_country.
4. Define the object properties:
a. While defining the ms_sd_country_state entity, create two foreign key constraints, one on Country_ID to the ms_sd_country object, and the other on State_ID to the ms_sd_state object. Display the Country and State Names, and show as Lookup.
b. For the ms_sd_country entity: while defining the State_ID column, select Yes in Is Logical Column?.
c. In the multi-select table, select ms_sd_country_state.
d. In the multi-select column, select State_ID and click Save.
e. In the ms_sd_state object, create a foreign key constraint on State_ID. Display the State Name and show as Lookup.
5. Navigate to Data Manager.
6. ms_sd_country is now configured to show the states as a multi-select box. Since the logical column was configured as “Yes”, the multi-select box is available upon Insert and Edit of Countries and mappings can be managed by using the Display Values > Linkages command. If the logical column were configured as a Linkages Attribute, the multi-select mapping would only be visible from the Linkages command and not upon Insert or Edit.
To display country name instead of country ID in the Linkages mapping screen, select the Is Description Column? for the Country_Name column.
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