Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating A Time Bound Object
Creating A Time Bound Object
The transfer date in a time bound object controls the data in that object. The transfer date decides the date for data transfer from work area to release area. In a conceptual object that is time bound, the transfer date for a child record cannot be before the transfer date of a parent record.
In the case of workflow, the transfer date takes precedence over pending workflow items. For example, if a workflow transaction is approved before transfer date, it will be moved to production only on transfer date. If a workflow transaction is approved after transfer date, it will be moved to production immediately.
To create a time bound object
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Obejcts and navigate to the folder in which you want to create the object.
2. Click Add Object.
3. Enter the relevant object definition details. You must select the Object Type as Data Object.
For more information about object definition properties, see the table in Object Definition Properties.
4. Click Save.
5. Click Add Column to add a column in the object.
a. Along with other columns, you must add a Date column and select its Column Qualifier as Transfer Date.
If you are using SQL Server as your database, you must select the data type of the Transfer Date column as Timestamp instead of Date.
6. Click Create Table.
7. Select a primary key and click Save.
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