Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating A Temporal Object
Creating A Temporal Object
Skipping Default Value in Show “as of date” records
Temporal objects are time variant objects that you can create as a simple data object. You may then use it to create a conceptual object. A temporal object always has a start date and end date columns that determine the behavior of the object. For more information about different configurations in temporal objects, see Temporal Objects
To create a temporal object
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects and navigate to the folder in which you want to create the object.
2. Click Add Object.
3. Enter the object details and select:
*Object Type as Data Object
*Object SubType as Temporal Object
For more information about the object definition properties, see the table in Object Definition Properties.
4. Click Save.
5. Click Add Column to add the columns in the object along with the Start Date and End Date columns.
a. If you are using the start date column, select a Column Qualifier.
If the start date...
Select the column qualifier...
Is a future date.
Once the current date is after the start date, this field cannot be edited.
Start Date
Is in the past.
Retroactive Start Date
b. If you are creating end date column, select a Column Qualifier.
If the end date...
Select the column qualifier...
Is a future date.
The end date becomes non-editable when the current date is after the end date.
End Date
Is in the past.
Retroactive Start Date
To restrict changes to the values in columns other than start date and end date, using the end date column as the restriction, select the Column Qualifier as Non-editable after end date. If this qualifier is set on a column, the record cannot be changed once the current date is after the end date.
6. Click Create Table.
7. Select a primary key and click Save.
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