Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Versioning Administered Items
Versioning Administered Items
Creating a New Major and Minor Version of an Administered Item
You can create new versions of existing administered items. The Status Mask attribute at the Registration Status level can be used to control when versioning can be performed. If the 6th (last position) on the mask is set for a Registration Status, versions can be created for the administered item has the same Registration as the specified value. For example, the status mask for STANDARD Registration Status by default is set to 000111; this indicates that the administered item can be versioned if it has a Registration Status of STANDARD.
You can create a major or minor version. When a new version is created, the following occurs:
*A new record is created for the administered item with a new version number, and an updated Latest Version Indicator.
Version numbers are appended (for example, 1.0 > 2.0 > 3.0). Old versions are kept in the Registry.
*Depending on the command used (Create major version and Create minor version), the original version number is either incremented to the next whole number or by 0.1.
The following table lists how the version numbers are generated:
Current Version Number
Created Version Number
Create Major Version
Create Major Version
Create Major Version
Create Minor Version
Create Minor Version
Only the record from the Administered Item (ADMIN_ITEM) and associated subtype table (DE for Data Element, VALUE_DOM for Value Domain etc.) is copied when a Version is created for an administered item. Child entities must be re-imported manually, if needed.
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