Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Importing Administered Items : Import Mapping : User-Defined Mappings : Creating User-Defined Import Mapping
Creating User-Defined Import Mapping
Use the following procedure to create new user-defined mapping, UOM Description, for importing Administered Items.
To create a custom mapping
1. Navigate to the object IMPORT_MAPPING_PARAM.
2. Insert a new record with the following values, using uppercase where indicated.
*PARAM_NAME - UOM Description
*PARAM_TYP - O (O for optional or user-defined mapping)
*IMP_TYP - 4 (for Administered Item Import)
Since the entries in the file for this mapping are descriptions and must be decoded and converted to the relevant IDs, the last three columns (RLTD_TBL_NAME, RLTD_COL_NAME, RLTD_DISP_COL_NAME) are used. If the values do not need to be decoded, then the last three columns are not needed.
The new mapping can now be used for import.
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