Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Consolidating Metadata Using Metamaps : Table Processing Mode
Table Processing Mode
Fixed Columns
Manually Importing Physical Metadata from a Remote Connection
Manually Importing Physical Metadata from a File
OneData categorizes metadata into two types:
For the purposes of the MetaMap functionality, only fixed columns are considered in the table processing mode options.
If user-defined columns must be processed for data change detection logic, you must enter into IMPORT MAPPING PARAMETER (Parameter Acronym $$$).
There are two types of table processing modes: insert only and update incremental. The following tables describe the conditions under which fixed metadata columns are processed.
Table Processing Mode
New Object Handling
Existing Object Handling
New Attribute
Existing Attribute
Insert only
Inserts new objects
Not processed
Not processed
Update incremental
Inserts new objects
Inserts new attribute
Updates existing attribute
For example, the object Employees contains two attributes, Employee ID and Employee Name. Employee ID is a numeric column and Employee Name is varchar (100). If the Employee Name data type is changed to char, the following occurs:
Table Processing Mode
New Object Handling
Existing Objects Handling
New Attribute
Existing Attribute
Insert only
(Employee is an
existing object)
(Employee Name
is an existing
Not processed.
Update incremental
(Employee is an
existing object)
(Employee Name
is an existing
1) Creates archive record for Employee Name with old data type. 2) Updates existing Employee Name record with new data type.
If a new default value is entered for Employee Name, the following occurs:
Table Processing Mode
New Object Handling
Existing Object Handling
New Attribute
Existing Attribute
Insert only
(Employee is an
existing object)
(Employee Name is an existing attribute)
Not processed
Update incremental
(Employee is an
existing object)
(Employee Name is an existing attribute)
1) Creates archive record for Employee Name with old data type. 2) Updates existing Employee Name record with new default value.
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