Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Consolidating Metadata Using Metamaps : Importing Metadata Models
Importing Metadata Models
Manually Importing Logical Metadata Models
Manually Importing Physical Metadata Models Using JDBC Database Metadata
With the MetaMap module, you can import both physical and logical metadata. You can use the information in the data object System/Application Master List, located in the folder, 4. System Dictionary Related, to determine whether metadata was loaded from a physical or logical data model source.
To import the metadata model from a file using a scheduled job, the connection to the FTP or SFTP source must be already established in OneData. Manage connections through in the Data Interchange > Configuration > FTP/SFTP Configuration menu. For more information about configuring FTP or SFTP and managing data and import jobs, see Administering webMethods OneData.
You can perform a manual or automatic import of the metadata model.
After you import the metadata model, you can view and manage the metadata in the predefined data objects located in the 4. System Dictionary Related folder. The conceptual objects in the same folder provide insight about the hierarchy of the data objects.
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