Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Configuring SSL in OneData : Enabling HTTPS in OneData
Enabling HTTPS in OneData
OneData uses HTTPS or HTTP over SSL to transfer and display web content securely. After you set up a SSL certificate (Self-Signed or Signed Certificate), you must enable HTTPS in OneData.
This procedure works for versions of OneData 9.0 and newer.
To enable HTTPS in OneData
1. Navigate to the directory, < Software AG_directory >\\profiles\ODE\configuration\com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader.
2. Open the file,<HTTPS-port>.properties and add the parameters, keystoreFile location and keystorePass.
3. Restart OneData and access the URL https://HOST_NAME:<HTTPS-port>/onedata.
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