Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Configuring SSL in OneData : Configuring SSL in OneData Using a Signed Certificate : Creating a CSR for Obtaining a Signed Certificate from CA
Creating a CSR for Obtaining a Signed Certificate from CA
This task describes how to create a (CSR) and use it to download a chain certificate.
You must first create a keystore that has a self-signed certificate before obtaining a signed certificate. For more details, see Creating a Keystore Having a Self-Signed Certificate.
To create a CSR for obtaining a signed certificate
1. Open the keytool command prompt.
2. In the keytool prompt, navigate to the directory in which you want to create the CSR and execute the following commands:
a. Create a local self-signed certificate:
<INSTALL_DIR>/jvm/jvm160/bin/ keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg  RSA -keystore <INSTALL_DIR>/profiles/ODE/configuration/tomcat/conf/.odkeystore
b. Create a CSR:
<INSTALL_DIR>/jvm/jvm160/bin/keytool  -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr -keystore <INSTALL_DIR>/profiles/ODE/configuration/tomcat/conf/.odkeystore
This command creates a certreq.csr in the current directory.
3. Locate the certreq.csr file and submit it to the certificate authority to obtain the certificate.
To learn how to submit the CSR file, visit the certificate authority’s website.
4. After submitting the certreq.csr file, download a chain or a root certificate from your certificate authority.
For information about how to download the chain certificate or root certificate, visit the certificate authority’s website.
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