Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Configuring Security : External Security Authentication Using LDAP : Importing Users from LDAP
Importing Users from LDAP
You must log into OneData using the SYSTEM user ID to fetch the LDAP users into OneData. To fetch the users and import them, you must first create a LDAP profile as explained in Adding an LDAP Profile in OneData .
To import users from a LDAP server
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Security > LDAP Configuration/Import.
2. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the profile you want to use to import users.
3. Click Fetch to fetch all the users from the LDAP directory.
OneData determines the number of users to return on each screen based on the value of the Number of Rows property set in Preferences. For information about configuring preferences, see webMethods OneData User’s Guide.
Use the arrows to navigate through the list of users. The left-most arrow returns to the first page of results.
4. Select the users to import from each page, using the arrows to navigate among the pages of results.
Click Clear Values to remove all the users and reset the selections.
5. To assign roles to users, click Roles.
By default, all users are assigned the READ-ONLY role.
a. To assign additional roles, select the users and click the pop-up icon in the Roles tab.
b. Select the required roles and click Set.
6. Import the users using one of the following options:
*Click Import to import only the selected users.
*Click Import All to import all the users fetched from the LDAP directory.
7. To view a summary of all the users imported, download a summary report.
A valid OneData user is able to import all LDAP users where the User ID column is not empty in OneData.
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