Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Configuring Connections : Adding Repositories
Adding Repositories
To add more repositories, modify the file repository.xml in the < Software AG_directory > \profiles\ODE\bin\onedata\config directory.
Alternatively, you can add new repositories in the interface: on the Menu toolbar, click Administer > System > Metadata Repository Configuration.
To add a repository
1. Navigate to the configuration directory, < Software AG_directory >\profiles\ODE\bin\onedata\config.
2. Open the file, repository.xml.
3. Define the repository in the file. Use the following code for a DB3 database as an example.
<DBMS> <![CDATA[Oracle]]> </DBMS>
<APPSRV> <![CDATA[Other]]> </APPSRV>
<CNCTN_STR> <![CDATA[java:comp/env/jdbc/db3md]]> </CNCTN_STR>
<USR> </USR>
<PWD> </PWD>
<SMTPGATEWAY> <![CDATA[mailhost.hq.sag]]> </SMTPGATEWAY>
<SchedulerDisabled> <![CDATA[false]]> </SchedulerDisabled>
<LICENSEKEY> <![CDATA[sag-license.xml]]> </LICENSEKEY>
4. Define the login module for the repository as follows:
a. Navigate to the directory, < Software AG_directory >\SoftwareAG\profiles\ ODE\configuration.
b. Open the file, jaas.config.
c. Add the parameter OnedataLoginModule, as follows:
onedata.DB3 {
OnedataLoginModule required debug=false:
d. Save and close the file.
5. Restart OneData.
If you are using Tomcat 7 as your application server, in the context.xml file, include the parameter useHttpOnly="true" in the context tag, as follows: <Context useHttpOnly="true"> </context>
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