Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Clustering OneData : Installation and Set up of OneData Clustering : Preparing Apache Web Server as a Load Balancer
Preparing Apache Web Server as a Load Balancer
Before setting up the cluster, you must install Apache with the mod_proxy_ajp to use the web server as a load balancer. The Apache web server handles requests for static content contained in the web application, and delegates requests for dynamic pages, like JSP or Servlet, to the instances of OneData using reverse proxy.
To prepare the Apache web server load balancer
1. Download Apache from
2. Unzip the file to any location.
3. Move the Apache24 folder to your preferred location (<Apache-http-server-home>). When you unzip the folder to another location, change the server root and document root directories in the httpd.conf file.
Now, you are ready to configure the Tomcat workers for load balancing.
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