Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Clustering OneData : What is OneData Clustering? : Types of Clustering
Types of Clustering
You can cluster OneData vertically or horizontally:
Vertical Clustering
With vertical clustering, you can deploy multiple OneData instances on a single machine. These machines must be larger and more powerful, typically housing multiple CPUs.
Horizontal Clustering
With horizontal clustering, you can have multiple cluster nodes, each having a single instance of OneData installed. This type of clustering is used when there are multiple machines that have less processing capacity than the machines used in vertical clustering.
Horizontal clustering provides better support for failover in case of machine shut downs because multiple machines are used.
The following figure illustrates vertical clustering using Apache web server as the load balancer:
The following figure illustrates horizontal clustering using Apache web server as the load balancer:
The following table describes the variables used in the above figures.
IP address of the cluster node in which the OneData instance is installed.
Port on which the OneData instances run.
Port used by the load balancer to communicate with a OneData instance.
IP address of the load balancer machine.
Port on which the load balancer runs. Default port: 80
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