Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide : Matching Algorithms and Use Cases : Similarity Functions : Token-Based Similarity Functions
Token-Based Similarity Functions
A token is a string of multiple characters like a word. Token-based similarity functions compare matching and dissimilar tokens between two strings in order to compute a similarity score. Therefore, all token-based similarity functions need a pre-processing step to extract a set of tokens out of each input string.
In OneData Matching API, the StringValueTokenizers perform the task of splitting, and optionally, transforming the original string into tokens (usually smaller sub-strings). For example, the string "the Atlantic coast" can be split into separate words and transformed to lower case as the following tokens:
Similarly, any number complex string processing is possible. For example, one could do additional splitting for punctuation or domain-specific processing in order to keep product numbers, URLs, or email addresses intact.
Another common approach is to split a string into n-grams, which are tokens of length n. Most often, n=2 or n=3. The n-grams are produced by sliding a window of length n over the input string from left to right. Using n=3 on the input string “the Atlantic coast,” would produce the following 3-grams:“the”, “he”, “ At”, “Atl”, “tla”, “lan”, “ant”, “nti”, “tic”, “ic “, “c c”, “ co”, “coa”, “oas”, “ast”
A common approach is to transform the input strings to lower case, and split them into words on whitespace, before tokenizing each word into n-grams. In which case, the string “the Atlantic coast” would be processed as follows:
*To lower case: “the atlantic coast”
*Split on whitespace into words: “the”, “atlantic”, “coast”
*Split into 3-grams: “the”, “atl”, “tla”, “lan”, “ant”, “nti”, “tic”, “coa”, “oas”, “ast”
Comparing the common n-grams between the two strings gives a good approximation of their similarity. As always, this technique has advantages and disadvantages. Because tokens are sequences of multiple characters, token-based similarities are sensitive to even “minor” edit operations like insertion, deletion, replacement of single characters, or swaps of two characters, which are handled well by character-based similarities.
For example, if we delete the character “n” from “atlantic”, the string “atlatic” looses 3 common 3-grams: “atl”, “tla”, “lan”, “ant”, “nti”, “tic”
Token-based similarities also work well with swaps of whole words, which are handled poorly by character-based similarities. Depending on the tokenization method used, the score might not be affected in any way by word swaps. However, when using n-gram tokenization without prior word splitting, word boundaries are still considered.
For example, compare the following 3-gram tokenization:
*“atlantic coast” -> “atl”, “tla”, “lan”, “ant”, “nti”, “tic”, “ic”, “c c”, “co”, “coa”, “oas”, “ast”
*“coast atlantic” -> “coa”, “oas”, “ast”, “st ”, “t a”, “ at”, “atl”, “tla”, “lan”, “ant”, “nti”, “tic”
The 3-grams “ic”, “c c”, “co”, “st”, “t a”, and “at” represent the word boundaries and do not match when the two input strings are compared. Based on these pre-processing steps, the similarity functions in the following sections use different formulas to calculate the similarity score.
Cosine Coefficient
Dice Coefficient
Jaccard Coefficient
Overlap Coefficient
OneData Similarity Function
Other token-based similarity functions, when used with n-gram tokenization, allow the longer words to contribute more to the final score than the shorter words.
Consider the following two strings together with their 3-gram tokenizations:
*“Acme Software”“acm”, “cme”, “sof”, “oft”, “ftw”, “twa”, “war”, “are”
*“Ajax Software”“aja”, “jax”, “sof”, “oft”, “ftw”, “twa”, “war”, “are”
Here, the word “Software” contributes 6 of 8 tokens to the token set of “Acme Software,” leading to a Jaccard score of 6/10 = 60% or a Dice score of even (2 x 6)/(8 + 8) = 75%.
This behavior is often undesirable because, on a word-based level, you would give these two strings a similarity of 50%. This behavior is what the OneData similarity improves by taking into account both word-based and word-token relations. Also, more complex cases with compound words (frequent in the German language) or split word fragments are handled well by this technique.
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