Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : OneData MDR APIs : API Overview : Name Matching Logic for Registry Functions
Name Matching Logic for Registry Functions
This logic is common to all Registry-specific functions where the Name is being passed as a filter parameter.
Parameters that can be specified are as follows:
*Name. Required. Search for full or partial string.
*Context Name. Optional. Lookup full or partial context name.
*Name Column. Optional. Search in full column name. For example, an organization may add their own Name attribute to an Administered Item, such as, FUNCTIONAL_NAME or ORG_NAME. This is in addition to the Preferred, Alternate or Short Name for an Administered Item.
The following table describes the logic used in searches:
Context Name
Name Column
Searches for all Preferred and Alternate Names in all Contexts with string 'XYZ'.
Searches for Preferred Names and Alternate Names within the Context where the Preferred Name of a Context contains the string 123.
Search for XYZ string in FUNC_NM attribute at the administered item level.
Search for XYZ string in FUNC_NM attribute at the administered item level within Context where the Preferred Name of the context contains the string 123.
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