Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : OneData MDR APIs : OneData-Registry Specific API functions : getAdministeredItemListForClassificationSchemeItemByName
This incorporates three functions called from the web services or API interface:
a) getAdministeredItemListForClassificationSchemeItemByName (web service)
b) getAdministeredItemListXMLForClassificationSchemeItemByName (API)
c) getAdministeredItemListRowSetForClassificationSchemeItemByName (API)
Function returns the list of Administered items linked to each of the Classification Scheme Items whose name satisfies the search criterion.
Input Parameters
String If not provided, defaults to the first repository in the list of available repositories. Case sensitive.
User Id
String Required if service layer security is enabled. Login ID in the application of the user calling this function.
String Required if service layer security is enabled.
Client Id
String Required. Client ID of the repository.
Project Id
String Required. ID of the project.
Schema Id
String Required. Indicates the schema. If workflow is licensed, then Schema Id is 2.
*1.  Work area
*2.  Release area
Administered Item Type
String If a valid item administered item type ID is specified, then the search is restricted within that type. For search across administered item types, specify value as -1.
Classification Scheme Item Name
String Required if Classification Scheme Name is not provided. Name or partial name.
Exclude Audit Columns
String Required. Indicates whether to include audit columns in the output. Does not apply to getAdministeredItemListRowSetByName
*True.    Excludes audit columns in the output.
*False. Includes audit columns in the output.
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