Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Advanced Object Properties : OneData Anywhere : Requesting a Data Change
Requesting a Data Change
The OneData Anywhere module allows external users the ability to initiate a change request to data, such as requesting that a new record be added or an existing record be changed. When users select an object link through an integrated OneData Anywhere implementation, a Request command displays for configured objects. External users can execute the Request command, which sends an email to the specified user requesting the change.
The Request command only displays if the system administrator has configured the following properties:
*In the system properties (Administer > System > System Properties), the field, Disable Link to Change Request must not be selected (unchecked).
*In the object definition, the field, Show in Change Request, must be selected (checked).
For more information about the request command, see Implementing webMethods OneData.
To request a data change to an object
1. Once the values are displayed, select click the Request link.
2. The user will be prompted to enter the Email address and specify a Subject.
3. The user can then enter details of the record to add.
OneData constraints such as mandatory fields, unique constraints are enforced in OneData Anywhere.
4. On selecting Request the information entered will be sent to the owner of the object.
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