Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering Integration Server : Starting and Stopping the Server : Running Integration Server as a Windows Application vs. a Windows Service : Switching the Server from a Windows Service to a Windows Application
Switching the Server from a Windows Service to a Windows Application
If Integration Server was installed as a Windows service, and you want Integration Server to run as a Windows application, you must remove the Windows service for the Integration Server.
To manually remove the Windows service for the Integration Server
1. If the Windows service is running, stop it. You can stop the Windows service by either using the Integration Server Administrator to shut down the Integration Server or from the Services dialog box in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel.
2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the Software AG_directory \profiles\IS_instance_name\bin directory and run the following command to create the Integration Server service:
service.bat -remove
The installSvc.bat file located in Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name \support\win32 directory is deprecated. Software AG recommends using the service.bat file from the Software AG_directory \profiles\IS_instance_name\bin directory.
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