Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Understanding SAG Products : Analytics & Decisions : Visualizing Data : MashZone NextGen
MashZone NextGen
MashZone NextGen is a data mashup and visualization tool used to deliver data stored in other Software AG products to end users. Its tooling is entirely browser-based to facilitate easy configuration of widgets. It allows end users to connect to distributed data sources such as databases, XML files, Excel spreadsheets, Apama events, graphs from Process Performance Manager, and process instance details from Optimize for Process. MashZone NextGen can also visualize data from web feeds (RSS or Atom) or web services (REST or WSDL).
When used with business process management webMethods Business Process Management (BPM), MashZone NextGen is used to visualize process event data collected by Optimize for Process. MashZone NextGen offers these dashboards:
*Business Process Analytics dashboard that shows data on process volume and cycle times from Process Engine, and data on SLA or KPI rule violations from Optimize for Process, as part of Closed Loop Analytics solution. For more information, see Solving Problems with Closed Loop Analytics .
*Business Process Dashboards that display summary metrics, instance detail, and other performance information about processes that has been collected by Optimize for Process. These dashboards are as follows:
*Process Overview Dashboard. Provides high-level information about a selected process, including intrinsic metrics, historical views, and normality comparisons across a specified time range. This dashboard helps you quickly identify potential issues, obtain information about alarms and stage activity, and use email or escalation actions to share findings with others.
*Stage Instances Dashboard. Shows stage activity and performance for a process across a specified time range. The top of the page shows metrics about each stage, including information about activity, cycle time, and alarms. Selecting table rows reveals information about individual stage instances and enables you to send email notifications or escalation actions for individual stage instances.
*Process Instances Dashboard. Shows process activity and performance across a specified time range. A chart at the top of the page displays historical information about process volume activity and cycle time performance. A table at the bottom of the page shows individual process instances and enables you to send email notifications or escalation actions for individual process instances.
These dashboards are displayed in My webMethods and Business Console.
MashZone NextGen provides a customizable dashboard that comes with out-of-the-box components such as line charts and grids. You can generate dashboards based on a flexible layout, visualizing both streaming data and data from Terracotta BigMemory. Data from Terracotta BigMemory can be refined and condensed using Real-Time Analytics Query Language (RAQL) before being visualized.
MashZone NextGen also provides direct connectivity to consume data from other Software AG products such as ARIS, Apama, , and Terracotta.
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