Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Integration Server Built-In Services : JMS Folder : pub.jms:send
WmPublic. Sends a JMS message to the JMS provider.
Input Parameters

connectionAlias Name
String Name of the JMS connection alias that you want to use to send the message.
The JMS connection alias indicates how Integration Server connects to the JMS provider. A JMS connection alias can specify that Integration Server use a JNDI provider to look up administered objects (connection factories and destinations) and then use the connection factory to create a connection. Alternatively, a JMS connection alias can specify that Integration Server uses the native webMethods API to create the connection directly on the webMethods Broker.
String Name or lookup name of the Destination to which you want to send the message. Specify the lookup name of the Destination object when the JMS connection alias uses JNDI to retrieve administered objects. Specify the provider-specific name of the Destination when the JMS connection alias uses the native webMethods API to connect directly to the webMethods Broker.
String Optional. Type of destination to which you want to send the message. Specify one of the following:
*QUEUE to send the message to a particular queue. This is the default.
*TOPIC to send the message to a topic.
You need to specify destinationType only if you specified a connectionAliasName that uses the native webMethods API.
Document A document representing the JMS message you want to send.
Document Optional. A document containing the header of the JMS message.
String Optional. Specifies the message delivery mode for the message. Specify one of the following:
Default. Provide once-and-only-once delivery for the message. The message will not be lost if a JMS provider failure occurs.
Provide at-most-once delivery for the message. The message has no guarantee of being saved if a JMS provider failure occurs.
java.lang.Integer Optional. Specifies the message priority. The JMS standard defines priority levels from 0 to 9, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest.
The default is 4.
String Optional. Name or lookup name of the destination to which you want a reply message sent.
If the JMS connection alias used by the pub.jms:send service connects to the JMS provider using JNDI, set replyTo to be the lookup name of the destination lookup object name.
If the JMS connection alias used by the pub.jms:send service connects to the JMS provider using a native Broker connection, set replyTo to the Broker queue name. That is, if the JMS connection alias specifies the Broker as the JMS provider and uses the native webMethods API to connect directly to the webMethods Broker, specify the name of the queue on the Broker that should receive replies to the message.
When using the native webMethods API to connect to the Broker, the replyTo destination must be a queue. Topics are not supported
java.lang.Long Optional. Length of time, in milliseconds, that the JMS provider retains the message. The default is 0, meaning that the message does not expire.
Optional. Message type identifier for the message.
Document Optional. A Document containing optional fields added to the message header. Integration Server adds the following properties to JMS messages it sends.

JMS_WMCluster Nodes
String Optional. Name of the Broker in a Broker cluster that you want to receive the message. The specified Broker effectively overrides the policy applied to the cluster connection factory used by the JMS connection alias. If the applied policy is multisend guaranteed or multisend best effort, the JMS_WMClusterNodes value should contain multiple Brokers.
Software AG requires that you specify the value for JMS_WMClusterNodes by mapping the contents of the service output parameter JMS_WMClusterNodes produced by a previous invocation of pub.jms:send or pub.jms:sendAndWait.
Use this field to override a Broker cluster policy when all of the following are true:
*The Broker Server is the JMS provider.
*The JMS connection alias used to send the message (connectionAliasName) uses a connection from a cluster connection factory.
*The cluster connection factory permits the applied policy to be overridden.
Leave this field blank if the above conditions are not met or if you want the JMS message to be distributed according to the policy applied to the cluster connection factory.
String Optional. A unique identifier used to group together messages that will be received by a JMS trigger with a join. A JMS trigger can join together messages with the same activation.
String Optional. A universally unique identifier for the message. Integration Server can use the uuid for exactly-once processing or for request/reply.
Document Optional. A Document containing the JMS message body. Integration Server supports the following formats for the JMS message body:
String Optional. Message body in the form of a String.
primitive type Optional Message body in the form of a one-dimensional byte array.
Object. Optional. Message body in the form of a Serializable Java object.
Document Optional. Message body in the form of a document (IData object).
This message format can only be used when sending a JMS message from one Integration Server to another. When the JMS message is sent, the sending Integration Server encodes the IData into a byte array. When the receiving Integration Server receives the message, it decodes the byte array into IData.
Object Optional. Message body in the form of an actual javax.jms.Message.
java.lang.Boolean Optional. Flag indicating whether Integration Server places sent messages in the client side queue if the JMS provider is not available at the time the messages are sent. Set to:
*True to write messages to the client side queue if the JMS provider is not available at the time this service executes. When the JMS provider becomes available, Integration Server sends messages from the client side queue to the JMS provider.
If you want to use the client side queue with the pub.jms:send service, the JMS connection alias specified for connectionAliasName must be configured to have a client side queue. A JMS connection alias has a client side queue if the Maximum CSQ Size property for the alias is set to a value other than 0 (zero).
*False to throw an ISRuntimeException if the JMS provider is not available at the time this service executes. This is the default.
If the specified connectionAliasName uses a cluster connection factory to which the multisend guaranteed policy is applied, set useCSQ to False.
Output Parameters
Document. A Document containing the message sent to the JMS provider.
Document Conditional. A Document containing the header fields for the sent message. The JMS provider populates these fields after it has successfully received the message from Integration Server.
String Conditional. A unique identifier used to link messages together.
java.lang.Integer Delivery mode used to send the message.
PERSISTENT indicates that the JMS provider provides once-and-only-once delivery for the message. The message will not be lost if a JMS provider failure occurs.
NON_PERSISTENT indicates that the JMS provider provides at-most-once delivery for the message. The message has no guarantee of being saved if a JMS provider failure occurs.
When sending a message, this value is obtained from the JMSMessage/header/deliveryMode input parameter.
Object Conditional. Destination (queue or topic) to which the message was sent.
java.lang.LongConditional. Time at which this message expires. If the message producer did not specify a time-to-live, the JMSExpiration value is zero, indicating the message does not expire.
When sending a message, this value is obtained from the JMSMessage/header/timeToLive input parameter.
String Conditional. Unique identifier assigned to this message by the JMS provider.
java.lang.Integer Conditional. Defines the message priority. The JMS standard defines priority levels from 0 to 9, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest.
When sending a message, this value is obtained from the JMSMessage/header/priority input parameter.
Object Conditional. Specifies the destination to which a response to this message should be sent.
java.lang.Long Time at which the message was given to the JMS provider.
String Conditional. Message type identifier specified by the client when sending the message.
Document Conditional. A Document containing optional fields added to the message header. Integration Server adds the following properties to JMS messages it sends.
JMS_WMCluster Nodes
String Conditional. Name of the Broker or Brokers in the Broker cluster that received the JMS message.
The Broker Server acting as the JMS provider populates the JMS_WMClusterNodes parameter after it distributes the JMS message to the Broker or Brokers in the Broker cluster.
The JMS_WMClusterNodes value will be null when:
*The JMS provider is not the Broker Server.
*The JMS connection alias used to send the JMS message does not use a cluster connection factory to obtain the connection to the Broker Server.
*The cluster connection factory does not permit a policy to be overridden.
String Conditional. A unique identifier assigned by the sender. A JMS trigger can join together messages with the same activation.
String Conditional. A universally unique identifier for the message assigned by the sender. Integration Server can use the uuid for exactly-once processing or for request/reply.
Document Conditional. A Document containing the JMS message body. Integration Server supports the following formats for the JMS message body:
String Conditional. Message body in the form of a String.
primitive type Conditional Message body in the form of a one-dimensional byte array.
Object. Conditional. Message body in the form of a Serializable Java object.
Document Conditional. Message body in the form of a document (IData object).
This message format can only be used when sending a JMS message from one Integration Server to another. When the JMS message is sent, the sending Integration Server encodes the IData into a byte array. When the receiving Integration Server receives the message, it decodes the byte array into IData.
Object Conditional. Message body in the form of an actual javax.jms.Message.
Usage Notes
The pub.jms:send service creates a JMS message (javax.jms.Message) based on input provided to the service or takes an existing JMS message and sends it to the JMS provider.
If a transaction has not yet been started, the transaction manager starts a transaction context for an implicit transaction when Integration Server executes a pub.jms:send service that uses a transacted JMS connection alias. A JMS connection alias is considered to be transacted when it has a transaction type of XA TRANSACTION or LOCAL TRANSACTION.
You can add properties to a JMS message when building a flow service that invokes this service. In Designer, use the Pipeline view to add a new variable to JMSMessage/properties document.
If the JMS connection alias specified for connectionAliasName uses the native webMethods API, you need to specify destinationName and destinationType to indicate where the webMethods Broker should send the message.
Integration Server creates the output parameter JMSMessage because some of the header fields in a JMS message are populated by the JMS provider after the message is sent. For example, the header field JMSMessageID is not in the JMS message sent by Integration Server, but JMSMessageID is in the header after the JMS provider receives the message.
Each JMS connection alias can be configured to have its own client side queue. A JMS connection alias has a client side queue if the Maximum CSQ Size property for the alias is set to a value other than 0 (zero). If you want to use the client side queue with the pub.jms:send service, the JMS connection alias specified for connectionAliasName must be configured to have a client side queue. If the JMS connection alias is configured to use a client side queue and useCSQ is set to true, Integration Server places messages in the client side queue if the JMS provider is not available at the time the pub.jms:send service executes. When the JMS provider becomes available, Integration Server sends messages from the client side queue to the JMS provider.
The JMS provider populates the header fields in the JMSMessage output parameter after it successfully receives the sent message from Integration Server. If the JMS provider is not available at the time pub.jms:sendexecutes and useCSQ is set to true, the header fields in the output JMSMessage will not be populated. Instead these fields will be blank or be set to 0 (zero).
If the client side queue is not in use (useCSQ is set to false and/or the JMS connection alias is not configured to use a client side queue, Integration Server throws an ISRuntimeException if the JMS provider is not available when this service executes. Make sure to code your service to handle this situation.
A JMS connection alias can be configured so that Integration Server retries the pub.jms:send service automatically when the service fails because of a transient error. For more information about configuring a JMS connection alias for automatic retry, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
When sending a message as part of a transaction the client side queue cannot be used. That is, the useCSQ field should be set to false. If useCSQ is set to true, Integration Server throws a JMSSubsystemException when the pub.jms:send service executes. A JMS message is sent as part of a transaction if the JMS connection alias specified in connectionAliasName:
*Uses a transaction type of LOCAL_TRANSACTION or XA_TRANSACTION.
*Connects to the webMethods Broker using a cluster connection factory to which the multisend guaranteed policy is applied. Integration Server uses an XA transaction to perform a two-phase commit when sending JMS messages.
If you want more control over the actual javax.jms.Message that Integration Server sends to the JMS provider, you can create a Java service that calls the class, which will create a javax.jms.Message. See:
The Java service calling this API must return an Object of type javax.jms.Message, which can then be mapped to the JMSMessage/body/message input parameter of the pub.jms:send service.
When creating the javax.jms.Message with the, you can use the javax.jms.Message setter methods to set the values of the message headers and properties directly. You can also set the value of message headers and properties using the input parameters of the pub.jms:sendservice that you use to send the message. If you set the message headers and properties both ways, the values provided to the pub.jms:sendservice take precedence.
Software AG recommends that you use a pub.jms:send service to create and send the JMS message. This may provide better performance on average. However, if you want to send a StreamMessage or a MapMessage, you need to use the appropriate API.
To send a StreamMessage, create a Java service that calls Java service calling this API must return an Object of type javax.jms.Message. Map the javax.jms.Message object to the JMSMessage/body/message input parameter of the pub.jms:send service.
To send a MapMessage, create a Java service that calls Java service calling this API must return an Object of type javax.jms.Message. Map the javax.jms.Message object to the JMSMessage/body/message input parameter of the pub.jms:send service.
If you use the input parameter JMS_WMClusterNodes to override the policy applied to the cluster connection factory, make sure to code the invoking service to handle any exception that the Broker Server throws when policy requirements are not or cannot be met. For more information about policy override scenarios that might result in an exception from Broker Server, see Using webMethods Integration Server to Build a Client for JMS.
You can use the pub.jms:send service to specify a destination for response messages when you do not need to wait for the response. The act of waiting for a response message comes with extra overhead for Integration Server which is unnecessary if you merely want to specify a JMSReplyTo destination but do not want the sending service to wait for a reply.
When executing the pub.jms:send service with a valid value for the JMSMessage/header/replyTo parameter, Integration Server creates the javax.jms.Destination and maps it to the JMSReplyTo field within the message header. Integration Server sends the message and returns immediately. The service does not wait for the response message. If JMSMessage/header/replyTo is empty, then Integration Server does not set the JMSReplyTo header for the JMS message. If JMSMessage/header/replyTo is invalid, then Integration Server throws a ServiceException.
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