Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Using Terracotta with webMethods Products : webMethods Products and Terracotta : How webMethods Products Use Terracotta : Software AG Event Routing
Software AG Event Routing
Software AG Event Routing uses Terracotta for guaranteed delivery of events.
1. A product such as webMethods Optimize or webMethods BPM emits an event.
2. Software AG NERV stores the event in a persistent cache, delivers the event to the destination endpoints, and then removes the event from the cache.
If the hosting JVM stops before the event is successfully delivered to all destination endpoints, the event is not removed from the cache. Instead, NERV sends the event after the JVM is restarted.
Caches are persistent and are used primarily for write operations. Read operations are performed only upon JVM restart.
For more information about Software AG Event Routing system caches, see System Caches Used by the webMethods Product Suite .
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