Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Submitting and Receiving XML Documents : Submitting and Receiving XML in a String Variable : Sample Client Code to Submit an XML Document in a String Variable
Sample Client Code to Submit an XML Document in a String Variable
The following sample code fragment for a Java client illustrates how to submit an XML document in a String variable named orders to the target service, purch:postOrder, on Integration Server. This code fragment performs the following steps:
1. Loads the XML document into a String.
2. Puts the String into a variable named orders in an IData object named inputs.
3. Invokes purch:postOrder on the server at localhost:5555.
import com.wm.util.*;
public class ArbitraryXMLClient
//--Load XML into a String named orders
         String orders = YourLoadXMLMethod(orderFile);
//--Put input values into the IData object
IData inputs = IDataFactory.create();
IDataCursor inputsCursor = inputs.getCursor();
        inputsCursor.insertAfter("orders", orders);
inputsCursor.insertAfter("authcode", authcode);
//--Submit request to the server at localhost:5555
c.connect("localhost:5555", "null", null);
        IData outputs = c.invoke("purch", "postOrder", inputs);
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