Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Understanding Software AG Products : SOA Governance and API Management : Exposing and Consuming APIs
Exposing and Consuming APIs
The product used to expose and consume APIs is API-Portal. API-Portal is a web-based, self-service portal through which your organization can securely expose APIs to external developers, partners, and other consumers for use in their own apps.
API-Portal supports both SOAP- and REST-based APIs. Developers can create APIs using design tools like Software AG Designer and register them in CentraSite along with other APIs from third-party environments.
If you are an API provider, you register your APIs in the CentraSite catalog, and then expose them in the API-Portal API Gallery. You can brand your API-Portal using logos, skins, corporate colors and fonts, and more; change layouts for the portal landing page, API Gallery, and API details pages; and customize the portal’s privacy and usage terms. API-Portal collects statistics that help you understand where your visitors are coming from, which pages attract the most interest, and which APIs are the most popular so you can improve the portal experience and increase API adoption.
If you are an API consumer, you can quickly find the APIs you need in the API Gallery or by running a simple keyword search. API-Portal provides code samples with expected error/return codes and descriptions so you can easily try out APIs, and dashboards that display runtime data and graphs for APIs.
A collaborative community environment in API-Portal allows providers to provide information about APIs, and consumers to rate APIs, follow and un-follow updates to APIs, and participate in discussions with other developers.
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