Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Working with My webMethods : Working with My webMethods Workspaces : Workspace Sharing : Workspace Sharing Permissions
Workspace Sharing Permissions
The following table describes the workspace permissions you can assign to a user when sharing a workspace.
Use to...
No Permissions
Explicitly deny a user, group, and/or role permission to take any action against a workspace, including viewing the workspace.
You might use this permission if you grant access to a group or role, but want to explicitly deny access to one or more users that are in the group or role.
The owner of the workspace and all users in the Admin role, for example, sysadmin, always have Full Control permissions to a workspace regardless of the actual permission settings.
View Only
Grant users the ability to view a workspace. Users cannot change the content of the workspace in any way.
When you set the permissions for the workspace, the same setting is assigned to all the windows within the workspace. As a result, if you use the “View Only” permission, all windows in the workspace are also set to “View Only”, overriding any custom permissions that have been set for windows within the workspace. If you want to have a “View Only” workspace, but allow users to modify selected windows in the workspace, first set the workspace permission to “View Only”; then assign custom permissions for the selected windows in a workspace.
View and Modify
Grant users the ability to view and modify the contents of the workspace. Specifically, when you grant users this permission users can:
*View the content of the workspace
*Update the layout of a workspace
*Update the workspace properties
*Rename the workspace
*Add content to the workspace
*Update the properties of windows in the workspace
*Rename windows in the workspace
*Resize windows in the workspace
*Reposition windows in the workspace
*Delete windows from the workspace
Full Control
Grant users full control over the workspace. In addition to all the tasks a user can perform when granted “View and Modify” permissions, the user can also take the following actions against the workspace:
*Share the workspace with other users
*Delete the workspace
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