Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Integration Server Built-In Services Reference : JSON Folder : Data Type Mapping
Data Type Mapping
The following table shows how JSON data types map to Integration Server data types during data conversion.
Integration Server
number (integer)
Integer or Long Java wrapper. For more information about converting JSON integers, see the decodeIntegerAsLong input parameters in pub.json:jsonStreamToDocument and pub.json:jsonStringToDocument.
number (real)
Float or Double Java wrapper. For more information about converting real numbers, see the decodeRealAsDouble input parameter in pub.json:jsonStreamToDocument and pub.json:jsonStringToDocument.
Boolean Java wrapper
Array of JSON type
Array of Integration Server type
All others
If an object has a toString() implementation, Integration Server uses that implementation.
If the object does not provide a toString() implementation, Integration Server uses Object.toString(). Object.toString() returns the class name and hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object, such as "javax.namining.InitialContext@3ae6f00b".
If JSON text begins with an array at the root and the array is unnamed, when parsing the JSON text, Integration Server uses a fixed name of $rootArray for the array value. The $rootArray field appears in the pipeline. When creating a JSON response, if the pipeline contains $rootArray with an array value at its root, Integration Server discards the $rootArray name and transforms the array value into a JSON array.
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