Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Diagnosing the Integration Server : Using the Diagnostic Utility : Diagnostic Utility Performance
Diagnostic Utility Performance
The diagnostic utility can execute slowly when logging large amounts of data from the Integration Server. To increase performance, you can set limits to the amount of data the diagnostic tool returns by specifying a maxLogSize value or setting the watt.server.diagnostic.logperiod parameter.
The maxLogSize parameter of the wm.server.admin:getDiagnosticData service sets the size limit for log files written to the file. If a log file exceeds the specified maxLogSize, the diagnostic utility omits it from the .zip file but records it in a diagnosticwarning.txt file. This file lists all of the log files that exceed the maxLogSize value. It is located in the logs directory of the .zip file.
You can use the maxLogSize parameter only when running the diagnostic utility from a browser. You cannot limit the log size when you run the diagnostic utility from Integration Server Administrator. For more information, see Running the Diagnostic Utility Service.
Use the watt.server.diagnostic.logperiod parameter to specify the log period. By default, it is set to 6 hours. When this property is set to 0, the utility does not return any log files. It returns only the configuration and run-time data files.The logging information the utility returns depends on how you store the logs. If you save the logs to a database, the diagnostic utility will return the exact number of log entries that match the specified number of hours. If you save the logs to the file system, it will return not only the period within the specified number of hours but the entire log for that day. For instructions about how to set server configuration parameters, see Working with Extended Configuration Settings.
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