Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products : Configuring NERV : Guaranteed Delivery of Events with Ehcache : Locating your Disk Store Location with Ehcache
Locating your Disk Store Location with Ehcache
Each NERV node running on your system creates a different store location for persisted events. The store location for your events is set within the Ehcache configuration XML files using the diskStore property. This property has a path attribute with a default value of ${}/cachedata/nerv.caches.
<diskStore path="${}/cachedata/nerv.caches"/>
If the diskStore property is not already configured as a JVM system property (, then at runtime it is set by NERV.
*For products running in the Software AG Common Platform, NERV sets the value to match the value of the osgi.install.area property. For example, when NERV runs in the SPM profile, the store location is set to:
<diskStore path=”C:/SoftwareAG/profiles/SPM/cachedata/nerv.caches”/>
*For products running outside the Software AG Common Platform, NERV sets the value to ./cachedata/nerv.caches. For example:
<diskStore path=”C:/SoftwareAG/cachedata/nerv.caches”/>
For more information about the diskStore property, see Ehcache product documentation for 2.8 at
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