Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Universal Messaging Administration Guide : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager : Administration Using Enterprise Manager : DataGroup Administration : Adding Existing DataGroups to DataGroups
Adding Existing DataGroups to DataGroups
We've already seen how to use Enterprise Manager to create a new DataGroup and add it to an existing DataGroup (see Creating DataGroups). In this section, we will add an existing DataGroup to a DataGroup.
Assume that in the following example structure of DataGroups, we would like to add the existing Customer_Desk_A DataGroup, which itself already a member of the EURUSD_Gold DataGroup, to the GBPUSD_Gold DataGroup too.
First, choose the DataGroup that is going to contain a new DataGroup. In this case, it's the GBPUSD_Gold DataGroup we created earlier.
Right-click its icon, and the following context menu appears:
Click the "Add A DataGroup to GBPUSD_Gold" context menu option, then type in the name of the DataGroup we wish to add as a member - in this case, Customer_Desk_A:
Because this DataGroup already exists (and was a member of EURUSD_Gold), it now appears as a member of two DataGroups (and thus appears twice in the tree of DataGroup nodes):
Now, any events published to the DataGroups EURUSD_Gold or GBPUSD_Gold, or directly to the DataGroup Customer_Desk_A, will be delivered to any DataStreams which are members of the Customer_Desk_A DataGroup.
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