Starting the OSGi Console for a Single OSGi Profile
NERV is a framework which enables you to use events within the Software AG Common Platform. Below you will find explanations about how to start an OSGi console for a single OSGi profile in your installation.
To start the OSGi console for a single OSGi profile
1. In your Software AG installation, navigate to the configuration directory of the profile to which you want to connect, for example Software AG_directory /profiles/SPM/configuration.
2. Using a text editor, open for editing the config.ini file.
3. Enable the OSGi console.
To connect remotely to the OSGi console using telnet, add the following line to the
config.ini file:
To connect directly to the OSGi console, leave the
osgi.console property empty:
4. Restart the profile.
If you chose to connect to the console remotely using telnet, use the restart or shutdown/startup scripts.
If you chose to connect directly to the console, use the shutdown script to shut down the profile, and then use the console startup script to restart it.
5. Connect to the OSGi console.
If you chose to use a remote connection to the OSGi console, open a telnet session and type the commands.
If you chose to connect directly to the OSGi console, type the commands in the runtime console.
When you are connected to the OSGi console, you can use the following commands:
ss - to list all available bundles. Use a filter to narrow down the list, for example:
ss <user_filter>
The command returns a list of bundles with their id, bundle name, and current state (ACTIVE, INSTALLED, or RESOLVED).
bundle <bundle_id> - to obtain information about a specific bundle. The command returns a list of services used and exposed by the bundle, imported and exported packages, and other information.
diag <bundle_id> - to diagnose a specific bundle in the
Common Platform. The command returns a list of any unresolved dependencies for the bundle.
help - to obtain the list of all available console commands.