Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : BPM Rules Development Help : Working with Decision Tables : Modifying a Decision Table : Reordering Rules
Reordering Rules
You can determine a specific order for rules. In inferential processing, this does not affect the order of execution. In sequential processing, the order of rules corresponds to the order of execution. For more information about processing modes, see About Decision Table Processing Modes.
To reorder rules:
1. Open the decision table as described in Opening a Decision Entity.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click one or several contiguous row numbers and select Move Up or Move Down from the context menu.
b. Click one or several contiguous row numbers and select Move Up or Move Down from the toolbar.
c. Click one or several contiguous row numbers, and drag and drop the rules at the requested position.
You cannot drop a rule on itself.
The rule order is modified as requested.
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