Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : BPM Rules Development Help : Global Functions Overview : Adding a Parameter to a Decision Entity
Adding a Parameter to a Decision Entity
To add a parameter to a decision entity:
1. Right-click the decision entity in the Rules Explorer view and select New > Parameter from the context menu.
You are prompted to save unsaved changes, or to cancel the procedure. If you confirm, the decision entity is saved, even if you cancel the procedure at a later stage.
2. In the New Parameter dialog box, select a data model. Hold down SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple data models.
3. Move the selection to the right side by double click, by drag and drop, or click .
4. To remove a data model from the Selected parameters list, select it and click , or press DEL. Hold down SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple data models.
5. Modify the parameter info as required:
For this field ...
You can do this ...
Click the name value to modify the parameter name (optional).
Each parameter name must be unique.
This value cannot be modified.
Click the I/O value to specify the input/output type as described in Working with Data Models and Parameters.
You must specify at least one Input and one Output parameter, or a Both parameter.
Specify the matching type as described in Working with Data Models and Parameters.
6. Click Finish.
The parameters are created and listed under the decision entity folder in the Rules Explorer view.
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