Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Communicating between SoftwareAG Products Using Event Routing : Event Routing for Developers : Monitoring Event Routing Data
Monitoring Event Routing Data
As a developer of a product that uses Event Routing, you can create a JMX client to retrieve configuration information exposed by Event Routing. This enables you to monitor Event Routing data flowing through your system.
As a developer creating Event Routing services, you can expose configuration information specific to your service.
You must not expose any service-specific attributes of complex types in your JMX client. You must only use generic Java types, such as String, Integer/int, Long/long, Date, etc.
Common Attributes for All Service MBeans
String. The usage of the Event Routing service. Possible values are:
*Source only - you can subscribe to services of this type, but you cannot send events to them.
*Destination only - you can send events to services of this type, but you cannot subscribe to them.
*Source and Destination - you can send events and subscribe to services of this type.
String. The reliability setting of the service. Possible values are:
String. The status of the service after an event was sent through it to the destination server or another type of endpoint. The value of this attribute is updated every time an event is sent from the queue to the destination service or another endpoint, depending on whether the server/ endpoint has acknowledged the event with success or failure. Possible values are:
*green when the service is functioning correctly.
*red when the service is unavailable.
If the destination server or endpoint becomes unavailable, but no events have been sent for a long time, the status will still be green. In case you are monitoring a Universal Messaging service, use this parameter in conjunction with connected, connectTime, and disconnectTime to determine whether the Universal Messaging server is available.
String. An explanation of the current status. Possible values are:
*green when the service is functioning correctly.
*red when the service is unavailable. Provides the message of the last error which occurred while trying to deliver events to the destination server or another type of endpoint denoted by the service.
Long. The number of events received by all subscribers to this service since its activation. If the service usage is Destination only, the value of this attribute will be empty. Otherwise, the value will be:
*Growing at a steady pace, when the service is functioning correctly.
*Growing slowly, when the service is slow.
*Not growing for a long period of time, when the service is unavailable.
In case you are monitoring a Universal Messaging service, use this parameter in conjunction with connected, connectTime, and disconnectTime to determine whether the Universal Messaging server is available.
Integer. The number of active durable subscribers to this service. If the service usage is Destination only, the value of this attribute will be empty.
List<String>. The identifiers of the active durable subscribers to this service. If the service usage is Destination only, the value of this attribute will be empty.
Integer. The number of inactive (closed but still subscribed) durable subscribers to this service. If the service usage is Destination only, the value of this attribute will be empty.
List<String>. The identifiers of the inactive (closed but still subscribed) durable subscribers to this service. If the service usage is Destination only, the value of this attribute will be empty.
Integer. The number of non-durable subscribers to this service. If the service usage is Destination only, the value of this attribute will be empty.
Long. The number of events sent to the service. If the service usage is Source only, the value of this attribute will be empty. The value of this attribute is:
*Growing if the service is functioning correctly.
*Growing up to the point when the on-disk queue is full, if the service is reliable. This is most probably due to a slow or unavailable service.
Long. The number of events sent through this service and successfully acknowledged by the messaging server, database, or another type of endpoint it represents. If the service usage is Source only, the value of this attribute will be empty. Otherwise, the value will be:
*Growing at a steady pace, when the service is functioning correctly.
*Growing slowly, when the service is slow.
*Not growing for a long period of time, when the service is unavailable.
Instant. The time of sending the last event to the messaging server, database, or another type of endpoint it represents. If the service usage is Source only, the value of this attribute will be empty. Otherwise, the value will be:
*A few milliseconds or seconds before the current time, when the service is functioning correctly or when the service is slow.
*Before the current time, when the service is unavailable.
This reading denotes the time an event was last sent to the destination service. It does not contain information about whether or when the event was acknowledged by the service. For such information, see the lastCompletedAcknowledgementTime and lastFailedAcknowledgementTime attributes.
Instant. The last time an event sent through this service was acknowledged with success by the destination server. If the service usage is Source only, the value of this attribute will be empty. Otherwise, the value will be:
*A few milliseconds or seconds before the current time and shortly after lastSendingTime, when the service is functioning correctly.
*Before lastSendingTime, when the service is slow or unavailable.
Instant. The last time an event sent through this service was acknowledged with failure by the destination server. If the service usage is Source only, the value of this attribute will be empty. Otherwise, the value will be:
*empty or pointing to a long time before the current time, when the service is functioning correctly.
*empty or pointing to a recent moment in the past, when the service is slow. The delivery of an event might fail due to a slow connection to the destination server, in which case the event must be redelivered.
*After lastSendingTime and a few milliseconds or seconds before the current time (depending on the redelivery interval and the response timeout of the service), when the service is unavailable.
Integer. The number of times the service has switched to redelivery mode because of failure to deliver an event to the destination server or another type of endpoint. The delivery of an event might fail due to a slow connection to the destination server, in which case the event must be redelivered. If the service usage is Source only, the value of this attribute will be empty.
Specific Attributes for Universal Messaging Service MBeans
String. The URL of the Universal Messaging server in the following format: <protocol>://<host>:<port>, for example:
Boolean. Indicates whether the Universal Messaging service is connected to the configured Universal Messaging server. Possible values are:
*true when the service is functioning correctly or is slow.
*false when the service is disconnected.
Instant. The time when the Universal Messaging service connected to the configured Universal Messaging server, or reconnected to it after a disconnection. Possible values are:
*Before the current time when the service is functioning correctly or is slow.
*Empty when the service is initially unavailable.
*Before the time represented by disconnectTime when the Universal Messaging service becomes unavailable afterwards.
Instant. The time when the Universal Messaging service disconnected from the Universal Messaging server. Possible values are:
*Empty or before the value represented by connectTime when the Universal Messaging service is functioning correctly or is slow.
*Empty when the Universal Messaging service is initially unavailable.
*After the value represented by connectTime when the Universal Messaging service becomes unavailable afterwards.
Attributes for Queue MBeans
String. The status of the queue. Possible values are:
*green when the queue is functioning correctly.
*yellow when the queue is slow.
*red when the queue is unavailable. This might be caused by the destination server being down for a longer period of time.
String. An explanation of the current status:
*green when the queue’s utilization is below 90%.
*yellow when the queue’s utilization is equal to or greater than 90% but less than 100%.
*red when the queue is full; new events will be rejected in case of an on-disk queue, or the oldest events will be discarded when new events arrive in case of an in-memory queue.
Long. The maximum number of event which the queue can store.
Long. The number of events currently stored in the queue. Possible values are:
*green when the queue capacity is below 90%.
*yellow when the queue capacity is equal to or greater than 90%.
*red when the queue capacity is equal to 100%.
Float. The average size:capacity ratio since the first send operation for the event type which uses the queue.
Integer. The number of times the queue has become full, that is currentSize has been equal to capacity. Possible values are:
*0 - if the queue status has never been red.
*> 0 - when the queue status is red now, or has been red before.
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