Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Communicating between SoftwareAG Products Using Event Routing : Event Routing for Developers : Using Command Central Composite Templates to Configure Event Routing : Configuring Event Routing in Multiple Installations
Configuring Event Routing in Multiple Installations
You can provision Event Routing configuration in all runtime instances on multiple installations. For example, in all Integration Server instances on several installations, you can define a Universal Messaging service called “MyUniversalMessaging”, and configure the default service group to use it as a source and destination service. To do this, you must:
*Define the installations in your composite template
Add the following code snippet:
     port: 8093
     secure: true
       username: Administrator
       password: manage
     host: localhost
     port: 8192
     host: localhost
     port: 8292
*Define the layers and list the templates that should be applied
Add the following code snippet:
*Define the environments
Add the following code snippet:
     param2: someValue
     param1: v1
     param3: v3
*Map the layers to the nodes.
This is done separately for each environment. The example below shows that the nodes for the envType2 environment are not hard-coded directly in the template, but are resolved by using input parameters.
     bpm: [node1,node2]
     esb: [node2,node3]
     bpm: ${bpm.hosts}
     esb: ${is.hosts}
*Define the following Event Routing template that applies to all product instances in the installation.
   # ...
   # ...
      productId: * # Use * to have unified Event Routing configuration
             across the installation, you can be selective if necessary
      name: * # Use * again (any instance)
             alias: MyUniversalMessaging,
             enabled: true,
             URL: nsp://${umhost}:${umport}
           name: default
           description: The default event group includes all event types
                         that are not added to other defined groups
             service-name: MyUniversalMessaging,
             service-is-reliable: true
             service-usage: SourceAndDestination
The example above contains variables that use the following format: ${parameterName}. In case you use variables instead of hard-coded values, make sure you create a properties file containing values for those variables, and provide it when applying your composite templates.
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