envStream | java.io.InputStream The MIME message that you want to sign and encrypt (for example, the output produced by pub.mime:getEnvelopeStream). |
keyStoreAlias | String Alias of the keystore containing the signing key. |
keyAlias | String Alias of the private key to be used for signing. |
explicit | String Optional. Flag indicating whether an implicit or explicit signature is to be generated. Set to: True to generate an explicit (detached) signature. This is the default. False to generate an implicit signature. |
recipientCerts | Object List A list of byte[ ] for the partner certificates for whom this message will be encrypted. |
encryptionAlg | String Optional. Code specifying the encryption algorithm to use. Must be TripleDES (default), DES, or RC2. |
keyLength | String Optional. Length of the encryption key for RC2 encryption. Must be 40, 64, or 128 (default). This parameter is ignored if encryptionAlg is not RC2. |
SMimeEnvStream | java.io.InputStream Signed and encrypted data as a stream. |