Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Integration Server Built-In Services Reference : SMIME Folder : Summary of Elements in this Folder : pub.smime.keystore:createSignedAndEncryptedData
WmPublic. Digitally signs and encrypts a MIME message.
Input Parameters
envStream The MIME message that you want to sign and encrypt (for example, the output produced by pub.mime:getEnvelopeStream).
String Alias of the keystore containing the signing key.
String Alias of the private key to be used for signing.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether an implicit or explicit signature is to be generated. Set to:
*True to generate an explicit (detached) signature. This is the default.
*False to generate an implicit signature.
Object List A list of byte[ ] for the partner certificates for whom this message will be encrypted.
String Optional. Code specifying the encryption algorithm to use. Must be TripleDES (default), DES, or RC2.
String Optional. Length of the encryption key for RC2 encryption. Must be 40, 64, or 128 (default).
This parameter is ignored if encryptionAlg is not RC2.
Output Parameters
SMimeEnvStream Signed and encrypted data as a stream.
Usage Notes
This service supersedes pub.smime:createSignedAndEncryptedData
You must use this service when you want to create a message that is both signed and encrypted.
For information about using aliases for keystores, truststores, and private keys, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide
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