Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Integration Server Built-In Services Reference : List Folder : Summary of Elements in this Folder : pub.list:appendToStringList
WmPublic. Adds Strings to a String list.
Input Parameters
String List Optional. List to which you want to append Strings. If the value of toList is null, a null pointer exception error is thrown. If you do not specify toList, the service creates a new list.
String List Optional. List of Strings to add to toList. Strings are added after the entries of toList.
String Optional. String you want to append to the end of toList. If you specify both fromList and fromItem, the service adds the String specified in fromItem after the Strings specified in fromList.
Output Parameters
String List The toList String list with the Strings from fromList and fromItem appended to it.
Usage Notes
The Strings contained in fromList and fromItem are not actually appended as entries to toList. Instead, references to the Strings in fromList and fromItem are appended as entries to toList. Consequently, any changes made to the Strings in fromList and fromItem also affect the resulting toList.
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