About Pre-8.2 Compatibility Mode
Integration Server version 8.2 introduces support for web service features, such as SOAP over JMS, and WS-Policy based WS-Security configuration, that are available through the current web services stack. Some of the features and behavior included in the current web services stack are not compatible with the features and run-time behavior of web service descriptors created on the earlier version of the web services stack, specifically the web services stack available in Integration Server versions 7.x, 8.0, and 8.0 SP1.
To ensure that web service descriptors developed on the earlier version of the web services stack execute as expected, web service descriptors now have a Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property. This property determines the version of the web services stack on which the web service descriptor runs. The version of the web service stack used by the web service descriptor determines the design-time features and run-time behavior for the web service descriptor. The value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property indicates the version of the web service stack with which the web service descriptor is compatible:
When the
Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to true, the web service descriptor runs on the earlier version of the web services stack, specifically the web services stack available in
Integration Server versions 7.x, 8.0, and 8.0 SP1. Web service descriptors running in pre-8.2 compatibility mode have the same design-time features and run-time behavior as web service descriptors run in versions of
Integration Server prior to version 8.2.
When the
Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to false, the web service descriptor runs on the current version of the web services stack. web service descriptors that do not run in pre-8.2 compatibility mode have the design-time features and run-time behavior available in the current version of the web services stack.
Note: | You can use Designer 8.2 or later with an Integration Server 8.2 or later to create and edit a web service descriptor regardless of the compatibility mode. |