Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Working with Web Services : Working with Binders : Binders and Mixed Use : Existing Web Service Descriptors with Mixed Use Binders
Existing Web Service Descriptors with Mixed Use Binders
Integration Server continues to support existing web service descriptors that contain binders with mixed use as long as the web service descriptors are not modified. Once the WSD is modified, Designer will not save the WSD if it has mixed use binders.
To edit and save an existing provider WSD with mixed binders, create separate provider web service descriptors for each binder use. For example, if a provider WSD contains binder1 which specifies a “use” of literal and binder2 which specifies a “use” of encoded, copy the provider WSD. In the provider WSD copy, remove binder1. In the original provider WSD, remove binder2. The provider web service descriptors can then be saved.
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