Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Using the VCS Integration Feature to Check Elements In and Out of a VCS : Reverting Changes to a Checked Out Package or Element
Reverting Changes to a Checked Out Package or Element
There may be times when you want to discard the changes made to a checked out package or element and return the package or element to its original version. This is commonly done when testing potential changes to files in the VCS repository.
The Revert Changes command discards all changes made to a package or element and replaces the Integration Server instance of the package or element with the most recent version checked into the VCS repository. This provides you with a sandbox feature for testing proposed changes. Only packages or elements that are checked out can be reverted.
Keep the following points in mind before reverting changes to a checked out package, folder, or element:
*Access Control List (ACL) permission settings are not revertible. If you make changes to ACL permissions for an element, and then revert the element, the ACL permissions will remain unchanged.
*You can use the Revert Changes command to reverse a check out command that you applied by mistake, even if no changes are made to the file.
*Although folders are never shown as checked out in the Package Navigator view, you can apply the Revert Changes command to a folder to revert changes to all of the elements in the folder’s hierarchy.
*Reverting changes to a newly created element (prior to initial check in) may cause the element to be corrupted. Software AG recommends that you check in a new element immediately after creation and then check it out again before you enter any modifications.
*When you apply the Revert Changes command to a package, or to a folder in a package, all of the supported elements within the container’s hierarchy that are currently checked out are reverted.
*The Revert Changes command reloads the entire package containing the element; this may cause sessions currently using services in the package to fail.
To revert changes to a checked out package, folder, or element
1. In Package Navigator view, right-click the package, folder, or element for which you want to revert changes, and select VCS > Revert Changes.
2. In the Revert Node alert window, click OK to confirm reverting the element to the most recent version in the VCS repository.
The small check mark is removed from the right of the element’s icon in the Package Navigator view, the checked out files are replaced with the most recent version checked in to the VCS repository, and the entire package is reloaded.
When you work with a package with many elements, it may take a significant amount of time to check the package in or out. Designer will not be available during the check in or check out procedure.
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