Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Using the VCS Integration Feature to Check Elements In and Out of a VCS : Working with Java Services : Moving Java Services
Moving Java Services
The ability to move a Java service is available only with the latest version of a Java service. If you load an earlier version of a Java service, it cannot be moved.
When you move a Java service, the results are influenced by the state of the Java service before it is moved (that is, checked in or checked out), and the contents and state of the destination folder.
*When a checked out Java service is moved, it will always be checked out in the destination folder. If there are other coded services in the destination folder they too will be checked out (if they are not already checked out).
*When a checked in Java service is moved to a destination folder that contains no other checked out coded services, its checked in state will be maintained.
*When a checked in Java service is moved to a destination folder that contains one or more checked out coded services, its state will change to checked out.
When you move a Java service, its VCS revision history is reset. To retrieve the earlier information, you must find the previous version of the file as a deleted item in its previous VCS location and view the revision history there.
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