Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Using the VCS Integration Feature to Check Elements In and Out of a VCS : Adding New Packages and Elements to a VCS
Adding New Packages and Elements to a VCS
With the VCS Integration feature enabled, any new packages (or the supported elements within them) that you create in Designer are automatically added to the VCS and marked as checked out.
New packages and elements are added to the VCS regardless of how the package or element was created; it makes no difference if the package or element is created manually by the user, copied from another package or element, moved, renamed, or created from an adapter notification or a publishable document type. For information on the specific files that are subject to the VCS Integration feature, see Configuring the VCS Integration Feature.
The VCS Integration feature automatically adds C/C++ services to the VCS when they are created, but thereafter, you must check in and check out the supporting files for C/C++ services manually using the VCS client.
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