Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Comparing Integration Server Packages and Elements : Working with the Compare Editor : Content Panel
Content Panel
The Content panel is located below the Change List panel. An element-level visual view of the differences between the elements being compared is shown in the Content panel as described below:
*For a flow service or an IS document type, the difference that you select in the Change List panel is displayed in detail in the Content panel.
When you select a specific difference in a package or folder, Designer opens a new compare editor next to the original compare editor.
*Designer displays the first element on the left side of the Content panel and the second element on the right side. The path of the elements compared are displayed at the top of the panels respectively.
*Each change is indicated by highlighting an existing item in a package or element on one side with a box and using a line to link the item to the corresponding item in the other package or element on the other side, at the position where the item is present or should have been.
*Designer allows you to edit an element that you have locked from the Content panel. Right-click on the element and select Open in Editor to open the element in an editor.
After you have made changes in the element, save the changes. Designer displays the Reload Compare Editor dialog box, prompting you to confirm a refresh in the compare editor. Click OK to refresh the compare editor with the changes to the element.
*Use the toolbar icons or their equivalent keyboard shortcuts listed below to navigate between the changed items:
*Previous difference: CTRL + , or 
*Next difference: CTRL + . or 
*Use the toolbar icons listed below to merge the changes:
*Merge changes from left to right:
*Merge changes from right to left:
A check mark appears after the changes are merged successfully.
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